Monday, March 12, 2012

On the Bookshelf

I've been on a reading binge lately...

Read these in the past week:

My favorite was probably book 2. But as a whole I loved them all! Great story (still a weird idea). After I while I was annoyed with Katniss and her silliness. But at the same time that made her more realistic and human. Funny thing while I was reading it I kept thinking of how there were "team"s of women fans for Jacob or Edward (I never thought that way but I know lots of girls and women did), so are there people in two camps about the main male characters in this series?

Have you read this series??


Brooke Snow said...

oh how funny! I just started book two yesterday! Kindred spirits :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

I loved the series too (but did kind of lose interest toward the end of the last one). I was just discussing the love triangle situation with a friend over the weekend, we agreed that katniss's 'love' for peeta just didnt seem real, it was more that she felt like she owed him. We probably overanalyzed, but I can't help it, the characters got in my head!

Alysha Sladek said...

I LOVED these books!!! read them a few times and cannot wait for the movie next weekend!!! i get chills just watching the preview ;)

Lisha said...

I also loved them! I think the first was my favorite. I concur on Karniss being annoying. One of my friends was reading them after I had and she commented that she was very annoyed with Katniss, to which I replied that it wasn't going to get better any time soon. So excited to go see the movie!!!

AKutarna said...

Read them but I found by the last one my attention span had dwindled dramatically! Still a good read though.

this and and then said...

SPOILER ALERT!!! I was glad she ended up with P though!!

KellyLady said...

This was a great series...and I think it's easy to find K annyoing...but if you remember how young and naive she is, and how she is being manipulated thourghout the series I think the author actually did a remarkable job of making her "real".

Connie Nichol said...

I read them all quite a while ago. Loved the first one the best, second was also good, third one, I thought was terrible. It seemed to me like the author rushed through to tie up loose ends and wasn't that concerned about telling a good story. Oh well. Am really interested in seeing the movie and how the casting matches my vision of each character. :-)

Connie Nichol said...

and Rhonda, if the detailed word verification is not 100% necessary, it is kind of a pain. Took me three tries to prove I was not a robot because they are so long and hard for me to read. Must be getting old.