So I have all these amazing photographer friends and they inspire me in soooo many ways. One of my good friends Heather (whose blog is private so you can't see it but trust me AMAZING. Pictures and everything else). She did this thing that on the 10th of each month this year she's gonna take 10 pictures of her family during the day. And I wanted to do it too. All her pictures were so inspiring and awesome. She's gonna do b&w too. And since I wanna be like her when I grow up I'm doing it too.... but it was past the 10th. So I am doing the 15th.
So yesterday's pictures.
I took a LOT of pictures today (in fact Regan announced to the kids that mom was going overboard with the camera.) He sure is a good sport (and so are my kids) to put up with it constantly in their faces :) I have lots of today that I loved but all these are my favorites. And there is a big break in the middle since we were at church and that isn't the place to take my camera.
oh just another fun idea from Rhonda. good pics. wish we could be there for Grandpas birthday, that was a pretty sweet pic
I think I like the one of Eli best.
Rhonda you are SOOOO good at getting LIFE. You just capture the everyday moments so well. Wanna coem to my house? Wait, maybe I'm scarred of what'll get captured...or "caught"
You keep doing these great photo challenges and I want to try...but I think I have commitment issues or something.
love it!! You are amazing seriously amazing:)
oh yay! so glad you are doing this. :) makes me so happy. and those photos are just awesome. absolutely love the one of you and oliver. :)
Oh, I love these. Such a perfect representation of the everyday. My favorite kind:)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea.. I also want to copy... is that ok? Im not as good as you and I for sure could not pick a day each month to do it ... so instead Im going to just choose a random day once in a while... cause how fun to look back on this , it will be like a slide show of your life 30 years later!!
such a great idea. i need something to get me motivated to take pictures again... maybe I should try this...
and tell regan you can never go over board with pictures ;)
this is such a great idea - is there an echo in here? My favorite was actually the one of you with baby. They grow so fast!
Love the one of the kids helping Grandpa blowing out his candles. Cute.
Fun to have pictures that aren't posed but more so of just everyday life.
Love the idea. I'm not sure I could get away with 15 though, my family already think I'm overboard. I noticed so much reading. Then I was thinking about what my day would look like of my kids. It would be a lot of books too.
rhonda i love this idea! i hope you dont mind if i attempt to copy it every now and then!
Awesome take on your family's day! It's so fun to see you joining the challenge and doing it in B&W too. I'm up for a try - I got sick at noon on my first attempt - hope the next one goes better!
I love it!! I wanna do this, if I can remember. So probably not. :)
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