Thursday, September 30, 2010

Feels like Home

Last Sunday I phoned my parents at 1pm and promptly invited myself and my family out for dinner at their house. I was missing my parents. I wish they lived right next door. So we packed up the kids (including their pjs) and drove the hour out to their house.

We had a lovely time eating and talking. My kids got ridiculously dirty playing in the piles of gravel that are my parents yard and had tons of fun.
Sept 26 - Grandparents
I love this picture for a few reasons. My mom isn't really a fan of pictures (she's worried about how she looks and losing weight. But I love her just how she is). And frankly, neither is my dad. But I just happened to ask and they both did it. And it is so them.

Grandma happy with her grandkids close. My dad with his Hill Spring basketball t-shirt under his other shirt. The light my mom pushed over by her to be in the picture. My kids in their pjs before we rushed them home to bed.

All of it, just natural. Just THEM.

Before my sister died, my mom and I didn't have a very good relationship. I just saw our differences as a teenager and not our similarities. After Kelly died we became close. We are best friends now. She is my sounding board. Really we talk about almost everything. And no one gets me like my mom. I am sad that it took losing Kelly to get the relationship that we have. But I am so grateful that we have it.

I have good parents. Good people. Who are completely down to earth and absolutely faithful and loyal. I love that we live close enough that my kids get to see them. (I am very lucky my kids get exposure to both sets of wonderful grandparents.)

Sometimes you just want to be at home. Even if your parents don't live in the same house that you grew up in. To me, home feels like these two.


Alysha Sladek said...

can there be a "like" button? ;) cause I liked this post. I'm glad you 2 have a good relationship now. And I'm with you - home is where your family is :)

Catherine Dabels said...

I like going home too.

Lisha said...

I have those days too, Rhonda. Somedays I just need to go home. I totally agree that home is anywhere that my family is!

Carlye said...
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Carlye said...

This is so true! I had much the same relationship with my Mom growing up and now we couldn't be closer. In fact we moved back to Alberta specifically to be closer to family -- something my teenage self would have never thought possible!

Aren't Grandparents the best?!

mbmcclung said...

Rhonda that must explain why your so amazing ... you were raised by great parents! I love this post!

Jenn Davis said...

the picture is soo cute love it. And miss the feeling of home

DeeMomof6 said...

I Love that picture. It really does show case your parents and your kids so well. It really does feel like home.

Anonymous said...

this is such a wonderful post. i love that photo so much. :)

Let the party begin... said...

Even at 44, some days I just need my mom...great post Rhonda.

Amy said...

I'm so happy your parents let you take the photo. I'm not a fan of photos either, but sometimes you have to buck up and do it or there won't be ANY photos. This will be a keepsake for your kids.
Great thoughts about your parents, I'm glad you had a good visit with them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post and it seems the older you get the more you get your parents. You also have amazing parents and I know they have been there for us for as long as I can remeber, very generous and understanding.I do love your blog even if I don't comment. Kari B

Carmen said...

I too feel the same way about my parents Rhonda. They are everything to me. And I am sooo blessed that they live 7 minutes away. That is all. Both my children have had my mom and dad in their lives from the moment they were born (literally). I don't know what I would do without them... Thanks for sharing!!