Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In the last two weeks Eli has.....

* colored the carpet downstairs with a marker
* tried to eat Tylenol and a whole bottle of vitamins (instead of swallowing he licks them and then throws them onto the floor where they stick)
* dumped toothpaste and tooth brushes into the running washing machine
* tried to dump soapy water and a whole bottle of vanilla into the wedding cake batter I was making (it was like SERIOUSLY close!!)
* dumped cereal all over the living room carpet
* dug his hands into the flour container and smeared it all over the kitchen cabinets
* learned to open the front door leading him to walk outside (twice while I was using the bathroom)
* stood or sat on the computer keyboard multiple times
* thrown multiple items of food onto the floor from his high chair
* learned to push chairs up to the knives drawer and pull them all out
* picked multiple things out of the garbage and tried to eat or use them
* tried to stuff a plastic rod into the pilot light of the furnace
* either been up for 2-2/5 hours in the night OR been up at at least 630am
* drawn on his high chair, the table and the floor
* dumped goldfish on the floor and then stomped on them to make crumbs on purpose
* phoned people on my cell phone
* pulled out a LOT of wipes and "wiped" his nose or sucked the "juice" off them
Seriously people, CAN you SEE my gray hair yet???? Cause this child is giving them to me!!!! And we aren't even into the terrible twos yet? YIKES. WHAT a ball of TROUBLE he is!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In the Craft Room: a Fancy Camera Strap (aka Camera Dress) & one to Giveaway!

This is a SUPER easy craft! Seriously just straight sewing (or relatively close to straight!) :)

You need two strips of fabric long enough to cover your camera strap. Mine are 35" long and 6" wide.

Fold over both ends of each fabric twice and iron them flat.

Sew down the ends with two rows of stiching

Place good sides together

Sew down both sides, adding a zig zag to finish off the edges.

Turn it inside out

And voila :)

Slip it onto your camera and shoot away!!!

I have one looking for a loving home.
Anyone want it???

Monday, March 29, 2010


So well I was GOING to post on Friday but it was CRAZY. SO I didn't. Phew. Now that that's off my chest...

I did a draw on for the apron and the winner is ...

#61 - which is SUZ!! Congrats!!!

Let me know your address and I'll drop it off for you!

I did a draw on for the bloggy header and the winners are ...

#7 - Misty
#10 ScrapwordsMom
#19 Sandy
#21 Crystal
#22 Christal

So email me at steedr at gmail dot com and tell me your blog name, the colors you hate (to avoid), if you want any pictures - email those too (small size at 72dpi) and if you know the size of your header (and my SIL's you could just email me all that too and I would OF COURSE do it for you! silly girls)

CONGRATS guys!! And thanks for playing along everyone!!!
Tomorrow - I have a new tutorial and a giveaway again (I was supposed to do it last week but I didn't get it done!)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spiritual Sundays

"“And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.

“The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?” (D&C 122:7–8).

God has given us more than enough help to banish fear and give us courage, whatever we may face in life. As we reach out for His help, He can lift us toward that eternal life we seek." - President Henry B. Eyring First Counselor in the First Presidency

Thursday, March 25, 2010

22 Things I've Learned as a Mother

Stacy Julian suggested making a list like this.
And since I've had a busy day and wasn't able to make my last giveaway item, I thought I'd play along.

1. You can make breakfast food for supper and it's okay.
2. Nothing combines pain, love and power more than the birth process.
3. Potty training is crappy
4. There aren't many things a good snuggle won't help
5. Sometimes crying IS the only thing you can do
6. It's easy to make new friends. Just go introduce yourself
7. Everybody feels better with a good nights sleep
8. Some times it just doesn't matter
9. The perfect ending to a day is a bath and a good book before bed
10. Trust those you love
11. The meal always tastes better when it's a picnic
12. Nature is amazing
13. Art is part of everyday life
14. Because I said so is NOT a satisfying answer
15. Blowing bubbles in your milk is fun
16. Having friends over makes the day better
17. It doesn't matter how good your voice is, just sing along
18. God loves us more than we realize
19. Boys think farts and poo are funny. No matter their age.
20. Never say your kids won't do this or that cause they probably will
21. Spanking doesn't make anyone feel good
22. Love never divides, it only multiples

Wanna play along??
AND welcome to all the new followers :) Lots of pressure now for good posts eh??? :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Giveaway #2: A Bloggy Header!

So fun to see all the comments yesterday!! I'll be making the draw for all the giveaways I have planned on Friday.

Today I wanted to have a little giveaway of a blogger header.

Here are a few different ones I've made.
You can tell me what colors and and ideas you have and then I'll make a few for you to choose from! You could have a button of two if you'd like too! (Like my photo one on the side over there -------------------------------------------------------->

Same rules as yesterdays giveaway!
And if you haven't seen yesterdays giveaway, then scroll down! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In the Craft Room: The Ruffly Apron and a GIVEAWAY!

Since making the ruffly apron for Lucy's friend Amy's birthday,

I decided to make an adult version. And I am going to try and explain how to make it. And then I'm going to open it up as a giveaway. So if you aren't going to make one and you just want to skip to that, then scroll down :)

First you need two pieces of plain material for the back and the backing to the ruffles. I used plain muslin that I had around. I cut out two of these shapes.
(for a little girl one I made it 8" wide at the top with 20" wide at the bottom and 20" long.)

Then cut out seven 8" wide strips that are at least 6" longer than the width of the apron. This drawing should explain that more.
So the gray shows the strips and how their lengths that should overlap. You also need one piece to cover the top of the apron like the top gray square.

Then you are going to start sewing your ruffles. Finish the bottom edges by folding them over twice and sewing them.
I used the quick method of making a ruffle by turning up my tension and my stitch size and high as possible. It practically ruffles it for you. And i love it :)

Sew your top bodice piece on your backing fabrics first. Then start sewing your ruffles on from the bottom up. Layering them.
The bottom ruffle needs to hang OVER the bottom of the backing muslin. The top ruffle should leave a gap from the top bodice piece.

Put the good side of your extra muslin (that you first cut out) onto the good side of your ruffly apron. And sew down the sides and the top but NOT the bottom. Leave it completely open. You will be sewing down your ruffles, so make sure they are pinned in place!!
Then turn your apron top inside out. And carefully sew the bottom closed sewing ONLY the two pieces of muslin together and leaving your ruffle alone. It's a little awkward but I think you can figure it out ;)

Then using bias tape start at the bottom corner and sew the edges of the apron, sewing up and around to make a strap for the neck, making sure you start at the bottom edge of the bottom ruffle. You can make your own bias tape which is what I did (there are LOTS of tutorials online to show you how to do that) or just buy some that matches.

Last thing you need is a waist strap!! Cut another two 8" wide strap that will be long enough to go around you. Sew them together good sides together and turn them inside out. Sew them right on top of the apron.
And viola. You are done!!

Regan took these pictures last night. And well, they are blurry (he said his heart just wasn't into it :) ) but he did tell me I had to pose so you could see it in action. So this is me pretending to put something into the oven at 1030 at night. hahahahaha

I'm linking it up to a Soft Place to Land and Sew Cute Tuesday and Today's Creative Blog

So here is the deal.
One entry for a comment.
Another one for being a follower.
And another for blogging about the giveaway. Good luck!
I'll leave this giveaway until Friday!

Monday, March 22, 2010

500 Posts

Well it looks like this is my 500th post.
And for this week I've got some fun things planned.
Two giveaways.
I was going to have one done for tomorrow but Regan was finally home after being gone a bit and well it was good to just spend time with him and the kiddos.
instead I was going to do a look back.
Are ya pumped?

My very first post here was written on Tuesday, November 15, 2005. That's a long time ago eh???

I like blogging for a few reasons.
1. I like documenting what is happening in our lives. Like the funny things my kids say or do. (like this and this) or my photography (like my first wedding I did here)

2. I like the contact with other people. On those days when I haven't really talked to another adult (we've had a few the past two weeks) it's an outlet to PEOPLE. (hello out there!!! I'm waving, you just can't see it)

3. I like the contact with friends that I don't get to see but still miss (like the majority of my list down the side. And meeting new friends (like Kristin)

4. And I think it's fun to get some feedback on things. Like recipes or photos or whatever.

Some of my very favorite posts I've done. For different reasons:
Grief is like a Wave
Our Getting together
3X Photography

So tomorrow I'll be showing you a tutorial on something to make that I am giving away. Two hints about it.
1. It is blue and ruffly.
2. It's big enough to fit me.
To get a chance to win it you have to be a follower or blog about it or comment on tommorrow's post.

So tell me how long you've been reading my blog, if you don't mind, AND if you have a post (or type of post) that you really enjoy.

Happy 500!
And to end it off two of my favorite pictures from this wedding I just posted in my photo blog.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spiritual Sundays

"The Gospel of Work is a very important teaching of the Church. If we learn to work early in life we will be better individuals, better members of families, better neighbors and better disciples of Jesus Christ, who Himself learned to work as a carpenter." - Neal A Maxwell.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Memories of Food

Is there a food that reminds you of someone? Or something? Or a time in your life?
Making bread reminds me of being a small girl. Of standing at the counter with my hands in the dough, my mom placing a bit of dough in front of me for just me to figure out how to form it.

Making donuts reminds me of being lined up in the kitchen with my siblings. Each one of us with a job. Someone to cover them in glaze, one to put them on the racks to dry.

Pie reminds me of my friend Dyane and my sister Kelly. One day Kelly was in visiting our house (which was common place) and I got a call asking me how to make pie. So I explained over the phone and told them the recipe. Then a short while later I went home to find Dyane and Kelly mixing the dough with a mixer. Now if you don't know anything about making pie that won't seem funny to you. But I almost peed my pants laughing. Seriously. They told me I didn't say HOW to combine the ingredients. Something I thought people just KNEW.

Chocolate chip cookies remind me of my grandma H. She was constantly cooking cookies that had tofu in them and trying to trick us into eating them. So I started never accepting cookies from her :) Tofu in cookies goes against all the things I love about cookies :) hahahahaha

I have lots of other memories tied to food.
It's one of the reasons I love food!
Do YOU have any?

So I am coming up to my 500th post. And to commemorate that I'm going to have a giveaway. Of something I've made. Well I haven't actually made it yet, but I will this week. :) And I'd bet you'd like it. So keep your eyes peeled!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I did some freezer paper stencils to make St. Patty's Day shirts for Lucy and Alden. I'll take a picture and show you tomorrow or maybe I'll just slide in a picture here some time today, we'll see. (of perhaps I'll skip both since I've been getting a bit of flack lately - not at home but from other sources. anywho we'll see!) On any note, Happy St. Patty's Day!! My kids made leprechaun traps all by themselves and Alden even asked for money to put in them. (He dug a "deep pit" and then rigged a box with a trap door over top. This kid is made to build things!)

And on another note...
I'm editing lots right now. And this is one of the images I knew when I was taking it that I'd be one of my favorites from the day. And it is.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

In the Craft Room: Alden's Church Bag

Lots of you loved Lucy's church bag (as seen here). (Thanks!)

Well this guy has been bugging me for a few weeks for his own church bag.
DSC_4299 (isn't he so handsome!)

So I came up with this! I've had it half started for like 2 weeks but I needed a fabric belt for the strap and I finally went to Thrift Village and got one!! I followed a tutorial on the great blog Create Studio called the Mr Postman Mail Bag and I just made some alterations.


I added pockets on the inside for the crayons.
Added a big A on the front. (that would have been a lot easier had I had wonder under.... but whatever it worked out!)
And instead of using the strips of fabric down the sides, I just cheated and used my belt the whole way down.
I actually made it a bit wider too since I know he will be filling it with papers for church since that's what it's for ;) One day I really should buy some thread that matches things too since I normally only have pink, white and black (and the white's almost gone!) and then you wouldn't seen my bad sewing so much. But oh well - it's HOMEMADE hahahahahaha :)
(thanks to Regan for the picture of the two of us!!)
Ah how I love him and I hope he loves his bag!!!

I Linked it up!

And at Amy Lou Who

Monday, March 15, 2010

Random + Overheard

Me: "Do you want another pancake?"
Lucy: "Hey I know a Sarah! There's one in my class."
Me (confused at how she made that jump): "Did you know that's Kenzie's mom's name, Sarah?"
Lucy: "So there's TWO Sarahs??"
Me: "Yeah there's lots, it's a popular name."
Lucy: "I know why, cause it rhymes with Syrup."
Lucy: "I've got 2 spences"
Me: "You've got what?"
Lucy: "2 spences, see?" (Holding out two nickels to me)
Me: "Lucy, that's 10 CENTS, cause each one is worth 5 CENTS each?"
Lucy: "No i've got 2, 2 spences!"

Alden: "Mom, take my picture like this..."
So i take it.
Me: "Why?"
Alden: "I just thought it would be cool!"

I am behind on posting my 365 pictures.
But not behind on taking them!!
This week an update for SURE!


I was missing my sister Kelly a lot this week.
When I am lonely I miss her more!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Foodie Links

I've found some great food blogs lately. And I thought I'd share some today!!

Smitten Kitchen linked right to the page of the thing I am going to make from her site first!

Baking Bites again linked right to the page of the thing I am going to make from her site first!

Cookin Canuk Love the name and looks like great recipes!

The Utah Hive (just check out all those links down the side of food blogs!)

365 Days of Crockpot Love me my crockpot!!! In fact we used it for supper tonight for Alysha's mom's Sweet and Sour Chicken wings!! mmmmm!

Confessions of a Bake-aholic I think I am also a bake-aholic. I can't stop. (Today bread and banana chocolate scones.)

Time for Supper

The Girl Who Ate Everything again linked right to the page of the thing I am going to make from her site first! (and MAN I love her blog name!)

Steamy Kitchen check out those pancakes right on top! WOW!

And of course
My Kitchen Addiction with the banana chocolate chip scones right on top of the page that I made today. They are GOOD! Make them!

mmmm foooood :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Craft Room: Boy You have Grown!

There is a lovely scrapbooking blog I like to look at called The Inspired Scrapper. And They put up challenges. Anywho, They just put one up recently for March. The Growth/Renewel Challenge by Erica Perkins.

So I made this page today from the prompt.
A few close ups....
(Thanks to my friend Crystal that sent me some of this pp when Eli was born!!)

And along with that since I now can do videos..... Eli doing some Yoga whilest saying cheese (His current word. He only uses like one for a while then stops saying it completely and picks up a new one). :)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

PBR (Professional Bull Riders)

Thanks for all the comments on my apron!! I'm gonna make up a tutorial this week so you could make your own!

On Saturday night my good friend Teale and I went to the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) at the Enmax center. We both took our little boys to it. Teale takes her son to it every year (See his signed hat?). This is at the end at 10:30 pm - don't they both look SO TIRED!!

I haven't seen Bull Riding since I was a kid and I went with my dad.

It was a fun and very loud night :)
This is a little clip (that I took on my new D300s!)

As my mom said, a night where we made memories!!

We saw someone from Hill Spring riding, saw an Olympic athlete, ate lots of mini donuts, saw some crazy cowboys and stayed up late!! Alden was so tired the next two days (and is still today) but he told me Sunday that he loved it. So it was worth it!

Monday, March 08, 2010

In the Craft Room: The Ruffle Apron

Lucy was invited to a birthday party. And I had been at the store and totally forgot to get a present for it. And I've been on a saving money kick.

So put the two together and I came up with this lovely little Apron for the present. I call it the Ruffly Apron. Brilliant name, I know! :)

I measured Lucy to see how tall it would need to be (her and her friend Amy are the same age so I just used Lucy for measuring). I used scraps of fabric I had around the house and even an old shrunken t-shirt I had around - that's what gave me the cute little pocket!!

A closer up view of all the ruffles. I made it nice and girlie since Amy is a girlie girl!
Lucy informed me she needs one too. So I'll be making another one with a few variations this week!

Linking it up at The Persimmon Perch and DIY Show Off and It's so Very Cheri and


If you follow those links you'll find LOTS of fun projects!!