I've been meaning to get him a new one for, oh about 2 weeks, but I never got around to it. (i'm getting forgetful in my old age).
I found this great new blog about a month ago (maybe??) Anywho, Kristin at Pea Pod Creations is just great. She is super nice and has some GREAT projects on there!!! (Right now she is competing in the SYTYC competition right now! So go and vote and see the cute stuff there!)
This morning I spot Kristin's post and thought hey I can make that and I already have enough scraps around to do it. So I did. :)
I wanted to make it personalized. So I took one of Alden's MANY drawings

and traced it onto my outside material. (I used a thick muslin - almost canvas material I had)

and did some embroidery. Then it SCREAMS ALDEN to me :)

The finished product, full of lunch for tomorrow!

I linked it up a few places!

Loves it! I remember seeing this sort of thing in soule mama's book too and loved the idea of taking their drawings and making them into something.
love love LOVE it! I need to add my kids' drawing now!!!!
Mercy! What a sweet boy! And creative; I would never have thought to use the toaster. Love the new lunch bag.
Thats really cute Rhonda! You're so smart.
Oh I LOVE little boy logic! The toaster drying thing is something Zane would think of too! And great lunch bag....Zane's getting to the point of needing one....better finish his quilt first though!
it's awesome, rhonda!! wtg, mom!
and the toaster story would have had my eyes huge too! yikes!
Cute! I love the embroidery, too funny! Thanks for linking up!
Does this story bring back soo many different memories back but my favorite is when Ben and Josh were 3 and 2. I had made some jello for them for dessert for dinner that night, put it in the fridge then went to go feed Sam who was so cute and small and tiny back then... anyways It was about 15 minutes later the apartment started getting smokey and the worst burning smell ever hit us. I Stopped feeding Sam and put the poor screaming baby down while I ran to the kitchen. Well if those 2 sweet little boys didn't want to help cook the Jello so they put it in the microwave for 45min!! in one of my good tupperware bowls. Well sugar heated to boiling over high heat for a long period of time WILL melt any type of plastic including microwave safe stuff and the smoke from those 2 combined will stain for life a brand new white microwave a tan color. Love the lunch bag and who knows maybe one day I can find time to make some for my kids... maybe it will be a summer project for the family when we start preparing to go back to school.. Oh Love it. Thanks for the share. :D
So cute and simple!
good grief that is stinkin adorable!
Sooo cute!! Very creative!!
That is an awesome idea. Great job!
That is one cool lunch bag - and a very cute, albeit potentially dangerous, story! You are such a crafty person - and you continually amaze me with what you accomplish. Congrats on the new camera! Enjoy!!!
thanks for the music tip...! Listening to it now and I love it! :) I've needed a new song.
This is so cute. I've seen people turn their children's drawings into softies... this is also a great way to use their art! :)
Thanks for linking up today.
seven thirty three - - - a creative blog
So cute!
What a great idea! I love his cute little monster. :)
I love this project, it's such a cute idea. Your are master crafter dear Rhonda. Thanks for posting this one and sharing with us. Can't wait to make one for my boys. Maybe I'll make one for the hubby too so he can use it when he goes golfing.
I really, really love this idea! And so I featured it.
Thank you for linking up to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.
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