Thursday, September 04, 2008

today was....

because this little girl (as seen here with her "pet rocks" which come every where with us and even get seat belts in the van) had a huge all out screaming, snot filled, kicking, arm flailing two year old fit at the Registry office. In front of an entire room full of people. While I was carrying Eli in the Baby Bijorn on my chest, making it hard to carry her out and get her into the van.
cause I got to do a fun family photo shoot tonight. Some of my favorite images at first glance.

cause my good friend Heather had a little boy today
cause my sister in law Whitney had a little boy today
and cause my hubby is home for good now.


Tammy said...

Your blog clearly shows your good spirit. I have just started blogging...and I enjoy looking at others. You seem to be a very happy person...with a beautiful family.

MonaS! said...

what a great family shoot - looks like alot of fun.

Congrats to your sister in law and to Heather - new babies are always exciting.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!