Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spiritual Sunday

“Your number one concern in life should be your personal relationship to Jesus Christ. He’s the sovereign Lord of everyone. Settle that matter to start with. It’ll do more to change your life and stabilize your life than any single thing you can do. When you’ve done that, when you want to be something or do something, that’s good. Ambition is a wonderful thing. Feed it, nurture it, use it, apply it. But in the process, don’t barge off on your own. Just keep that other fact in mind: Is this what God wants me to do?”

Not a usual source of Spiritual Sunday quote. You may or may not know Earnest Manning; he was the longest serving premier of Alberta (1943-1968), and obviously also a spiritual man. This quote comes from his biography and was a response from him to a question of whether or not he would encourage his grandchildren to enter politics (The Good Steward: The Earnest C. Manning Story, Brian Brennan, pg 166).

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