Last night at 4:30 am (I guess I should say this morning)
I told a lie.I have been into Eli's room about 3 times, one of which lasted 30 minutes.
(He's not feeling well.)
Lucy had woken up screaming, just as I had gotten back into bed from Eli.
Regan usually responds to the older two (since they rarely get up).
He went in and she told him there was something touched her while she was sleeping.
A bug apparently. It was sitting on her bed. To calm her down, he turned on the light, showed her there was nothing there and then snuggled with her for a few minutes before leaving her to go back to sleep.
20 minutes later I was just leaving Eli's room again. And I notice Lucy's light on.
So I open the door and ask her what she is doing.
She says she has to pee. And I take her to the bathroom.
When I take her back to bed, she tells me that her and her babies (she apparently has "tons of kids"
future octo-mom?) are going to cry when I leave.
I ask why.
She says cause something is sitting on her bed.
(at this point I am thinking reading the book
Nightmare in my closet was a bad idea before bed)
I turn on the light again and show her nothing is there.
She tells me she's going to cry because "a bug touched her, that's why dad came in here."
I said "I know,
dad stepped on it and killed it."She responds "well what kind was it?"
I guess... "a spider?"
She responds "oh good. good night."
So was it worth it...... um totally.
A friend from out east told me that she used to tell her kids that you weren't allowed to go on wet grass in the morning. As in, it's against the law. Her kids would ask to go outside first thing. And she didn't have a fenced yard and she didn't want to go outside at 7:30 am to watch her kids play. She wanted to hang out in her pjs.
We had a dog that I thought had run away for years (I mean years), I learned after I was married that he died another way. My dad just shrugged his shoulders when I asked.
My oldest brother thought for years that if you shot grouse a certain way they would always land at your feet.
According to a survey in the March Redbook parents more than 84% of parents admit to lying to their kids at least once a month.
I've heard of kids who were told elves or some other thing would come at night and take all the toys away if they didn't clean them up...
How about you?
Ever told a lie to your kids?
Or been told one?
Or do you think truth no matter what....Even if it's 4:30am and you have only slept about 2 hours?
Speaking the little sick guy....

I find him like this about 20 times a day. (well maybe not
20.... but a lot!)

The first thing he does when you set him down is crawl over to the couch, walk along it and over to the piano and start to play.