Tuesday, April 17, 2012

10 in Tuesday

1. We went to my nieces baptism and made it into Easter dinner too. It was great.

2. I went for a walk / run yesterday actually outside. I was tired but I enjoyed the time outside by myself and the fresh air,

3. My kids have started soccer.

4. Last week Lucy had a random swollen eye. And this week Oliver has it. Weird.
11 April 2012

5. I love the view.
13 April 2012

6. I am ready for spring spring spring.

7. One of my favorite shots from our last zoo trip....

8. I love this.

9. Look who got glasses. They are actually only for reading and screens but she's a TAD bit excited about them and wears them all the time.
15 April 2012

10. If you haven't yet, go and enter my contest on my photo blog.


LindsayB said...

the zoo shot is great. i still wish i would have gone to the butterflys with you guys. and always love the 15 on the 15th.

whitney said...

So funny how excited kids are about glasses. I'd be excited if I didn't have to wear glasses. You should check out clearlycontacts.ca, they have a facebook page. And they sometimes have free glasses days. Well not really free cause shipping and lenses, but for around $25 you get a pair of glasses. And they have wicked sales and awesome customer service if you don't' like the glasses you get.
Do I get to enter the photo give away? Or do I win my own giveaway because I'm your sister in law!

Susie said...

So glad you came to the zoo it was crazy exhausting fun, but I really don't know any different whenever I go out. I had to pretend that my favorite part wasn't when we were sitting on the bench watching the girls play. great shot of the butterfly glad you got it I was just to lazy, it was so weird that i just sat there. I feel like Lucy wouldve been dissapointed if she didn't get glasses, lucky girl. ha ha

Heather M. said...

that butterfly photo is amazing! and lucy looks so adorable in those glasses! and i want to enter your photo contest so you can take our photos and so we can see you again. :)

Alysha Sladek said...

love the butterfly pic. makes me want to rent a zoom lens and go to the zoo ;) lucy looks cute in her glasses