Thursday, November 10, 2011

List 45: Things I've lost or broken


My first thought was hearts. hahahahah But that's not true at all. So.....

1. I've broken almost all of my toes at one time or another.

2. Lots of glass in picture frames.

3. A few weeks ago I was cooking with a pyrex dish (which aren't supposed to shatter) and I put it into the sink and it shattered in the sink.

4. I used to have a cool ring that was given to me as a gift. Who knows when or where I lost it.

hmmm I'm having trouble remembering anything else!

And here is (that I missed too):

List 38: People I'd love to meet:

1. Jesus Christ

2. President Thomas S Monson

3. Jesh de Rox

4. Becky Higgins

5. Tara Whitney

And here is another Foto Friday picture to make up for one I missed a while ago...
Week 29: Flower
Week 29: Flower


Stacy said...

Beautiful flowers!! A few months ago I also had a Pyrex dish shatter. It was drying on my drying board, and when I picked it up to put it away it shattered into my sink. Not fun to clean up.

The Lowry's said...

INteresting list. Love the pic of Alden with his lego. Such a neat shot.