Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Madness

Whoops there went a week hey?! We have been in a bit of shambles around our house. Things are in piles all over the place and we can't put them away. And we couldn't decorate for christmas, so all the containers with decorations were sitting around the house too. Perfect. All cause some painting and building was being done.

It was all thanks to these lovely shelves my talented brother was building and someone named Dave was painting. So now they sit waiting to be filled but I can't yet because the paint is supposed to harden. Technically it's supposed to be for a month. But technically I can't let them sit there looking all nice and white and not decorate for Christmas. So I am going with a week.... that should work.... right? Until then I want to do my tiling around the fireplace... but I need a wet saw - anyone know someone who has one I can borrow?? No I don't know how to tile but I expect someone on you tube does and they can show me!

Dec 10: living room... in progress

I did add our stockings just cause i HAD too.... although I need to get some names embroidered on them. Although Regan says I should do that by hand and I say no way. That's what machines were invented for!
stockings hung

Our tree is finally up and decorated!
Christmas 2011 Tree

This wall is in progress too.... My prints are done now and ready to pick up and I have to add a few more frames. I love it.
Photo wall
I did decorate the railing. Cause nothing is changing on that. We have been keeping up with Advent things and books. I'll update all the books we've read and the activities we've done that I missed. Since I KNOW you all are on the edge of your seat :)
christmas decorations 1

PS won't my living room look great when my shelves are finished, fire place tiled, curtains hung, frames filled? Yep. Love a talented brother and a talented Abby who suggested the idea of the shelves that I hadn't even THOUGHT of doing!


Ben, Chelsea & Aaron said...

it's gonna look fantastic...can I move in???
I'm also in the middle of things, and keep thinking I hafta have it all just right before I share it...I love that you posted the progress.

Amy said...

I Love it! It looks amazing!!
P.s. I'm so glad your blog isn't lost anymore. :) I kept trying to see your post...

Anonymous said...

Great Shelves! I'm jealous. Love the wall of photos too. Very Pinteresting.

Susie said...

that is so exciting! at first i thought you had extra stockings ha ha nope. I need my socks embroidered too, where do you take them. so awesome that your are getting so much done, I have a few ideas but they never get down, and less likely now

this and and then said...

WHOAH! Brad did a fantastic job- He needs to come make my house look presentable!!!! Can't wait to see all the selves filled!

Stephanie said...

Love the shelves, they look great!

Abby Metz said...

TEE HEE! So awesome to see that done - or almost done! :D

Alysha Sladek said...

The shelves look awesome and I love the wall!! Can't wait to see it all finished

DeAnna said...

Love the shelves! If your brother used oil based paint then you are good to go within 72 hrs. But if it he used latex then it takes the full 30 days to cure completely. Have fun filling them!!

Tisha said...

I'll make you a deal. I'll help you tile if you help me decorate my house!