Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oliver (days 7-12)

I'm keeping up on taking these.... :)

Day 7: Night time in his crib
day 7: Night

Day 8: Our doctor who ended up being out of town for the delivery so Oliver was actually delivered by someone else :) But this was a dr the whole pregnancy and after.
day 8: Dr Koeglor & Oliver

Day 9: Lucy and Oliver. You might notice Lucy's face and that it looks like she was crying... well she was. Huge fit right before this. Got her to settle down by asking if she'd hold Oliver in a picture. oh my!
day 9: Lucy & Oliver

Day 10: Alden & Oliver.
day 10:Alden & Oliver

Day 11: Dad and Oliver after church.
day 11: dad

Day 12: The swing. Aunty Whitney lent us the swing and does Oliver ever like it!
day 12: swing

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. Regan has this week off. I am enjoying it by taking naps in the afternoon and having him help me in the night with little things with Oliver. It's nice to have him around and spend time getting to know our new little man.

2. Thanks to my friend Abby from Metz Designs we have a plan for the living room now. So I want to buy furniture this week and get the wall painted pronto. It's kind of driving me crazy not having living room furniture!

3. I have been amazed at the kindness of people since Oliver was born. So many meals and treats and gifts. Lots driven out to my house from Lethbridge even. People are too kind!

4. We bought a tv. Not big news for a lot of people but around this house that IS A big deal. We can't get any channels on it since we are a non cable household but Apple TV sure works good on it and it looks purdy :) Now Alden can stop saying that everyone he knows has a flat screen tv except us.

5. I found out a couple days ago about a friend of ours being sick with a brain tumor. And every waking hour they have been on my mind since finding out. They have two small boys. The husband (who has the tumor) went through medical school with us and I just feel sick about it. I have been praying and worrying about them ever since. During my nightly feedings they have been on my mind. Some people have such hard things happen in their lives. And sometimes I get caught up in minor little annoyances that i think are so hard.

6. Regan took this one i love!

7. I've got two birthday parties in the planning stages. Lots of great ideas and I've ordered some stuff online already to help out.

8. Alden really has started helping out more.... and it's great!
sept 21: stories

9. Oliver isn't doing so hot at night.

10. I love not being pregnant anymore :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spiritual Sundays

When your life is filled with the desire to see the holiness in everyday life, something magical happens: Ordinary life becomes extraordinary, and the very process of life begins to nourish your soul. Rabbi Harold Kushner

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oliver days 3-6

I am off and running with a picture a day of Oliver for the first 30 days.

Day 3:
Day 3- Health Nurse visit
Health nurse came over today and checked him out. He is down to 8 pounds 11 ounces. And doing good.

Day 4:
day 4 - His eyes finally!
We finally got a small peek at his eyes. He is still pretty sleepy!

Day 5:
day 5 - Reading with dad
Reading with dad and a little extra love from Eli too.

Day 6:
Day 6- Eli and Oliver
Eli is In LOVE with Oliver! He asks to hold him many times a day. And I have to be careful not to leave the room or else Eli will be "playing" with him. He made a tent for Oliver by putting his blanket over the swing, he brings him toys, and gives him big pushes in the swing. All of which just make me nervous!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Welcome to the World Oliver!

Well last Thursday the newest member of our family decided it was the day to join us. And we couldn't be happier!
Baby #4
Oliver Smith Steed born Sept 15th in Lethbridge at 11:50am 9lbs 5 oz 22 in. long

I thought I'd write down the details here of his arrival. For weeks before hand I had been having lots of strong Braxton hicks. Too much for my liking! But so much of it had me thrown off since I never really had that many with my other kids. But with Oliver I seemed to be having lots of them ahead of time. The two nights before I had had serious contractions and we thought we were going to have a baby, but then they'd stop and I'd be upset and tired and have nothing to show for it all.

So Thursday morning I woke up at 420am with contractions. They were strong but still not consistent. So I just laid in bed and tried to sleep. Until about 6am when I REALLY wanted to eat a ding dong :) So I did. Then I laid back down, Eli was up and the kids had to get ready for school and Regan was supposed to be on call that day out here in Raymond. We weren't sure if things were just going to end again or if things were actually going to become real labour. So Reg got the kids off to school and he got off to work. Eli started watching cartoons so I could lay in bed and be uncomfortable. The contractions got closer and a lot stronger. So I called Regan at the hospital at around 830 and said that I think we actually were going to have a baby today. So he needed to figure out where Eli was going (his mom had gone on a hike that day) and he needed someone to cover for him at the hospital here. I called him again a few times after that.... He got home at 930 and we got into the car. Dropped off Eli to Grandpa Steed (who luckily had the day off) and drove like crazy into Lethbridge.

When we got there and into the hospital it was about 10am. Got right upstairs and into a room. (Saw a few people we knew at the hospital on the way :) ) My doctor went out of town the night before and so Dr Dave Stewart was covering for him instead. He was at the hospital, so he came in right away and checked me and I was at 5 cm. So I said I want an epidural and he said he'd come back after all that. Around 1130 or so I got my epidural and 15 minutes later Dr Stewart was back and checked me again. I was at 9.5 cm. So he broke my water and said "actually I think you can just push now." So I did. And surprisingly enough it was little boy that came out. Well not too little, 9lbs 5 oz 22 in. long.

Freshly out!

We really were expecting a girl. Not for any reason in particular. But we were. We literally had no boy names. So we didn't name him that day. Or that night. We had talked about a middle name in case he was a boy. And decided we would use Smith. Smith is Regan's mom's maiden name and my grandma's maiden name. All of our kids have middle names that have family meaning. Alden Ryan - named after Regan's oldest brother who passed away, Lucy Ann - named after my sister who passed away (Kelly Ann), Eli Davis - named with my maiden name, and now Oliver Smith. Regan's middle name is also his grandmother's maiden name. (Carlson)

Proud daddy!

When Regan came back to the hospital to pick me up the next day he came with a list of names. And it made me I thought I'd include it here for you all to enjoy too....

Lists of names:
- Oliver
- Isaac

Names maybe we'd both like:
- Ashton
- Bram
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Martel
- Miller

Names I like but I don't think you will (but if you do that would be great):
- Abel
- Abraham
- Clement
- Gabriel
- Hugh
- Moses
- Neal
- Walt

Day 1
Regan did a great job taking some pictures of us in the hospital. And I've taken a few so far too.

His tiny bit of hair

He is doing well and I am too. Tired but good.

The kids came to see Oliver and me the night he was born and Alden and Lucy left me these little notes on the room white board. :) Pretty cute hey!
love notes

We sure are happy to have him here. I've decided I'm going to take a picture a day of Oliver for the first 30 days of his life. Might be kind of a fun project to do :)

We've already been asked about how the kids feel.

Alden - loves him. A lot. More interested in Oliver than he has been with any of the others. And a lot more able to be helpful and hold him safely :)
Lucy - apparently when Regan called to tell the kids that Oliver was a boy, Lucy's only response.... "Dangit". But she loves him and is smothering him with kisses.
Eli - loves him a little too physically. I will be having to keep a close eye on Oliver when Eli is around. He tried to dog pile him this afternoon and is always trying to share his blanket with him and cover him with it.
We sure love him a lot!

Day 2.
Day 2

Welcome to the world baby Oliver!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Spiritual Sunday

“The things of God are of deep import; and time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out. Thy mind, O man! if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation, must stretch as high as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss, and the broad expanse of eternity—thou must commune with God.”

Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3:295; as quoted by Howard W. Hunter General Conference April 1975

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Spiritual Sundays

“There exists a righteous unity between the temple and the home. Understanding the eternal nature of the temple will draw you to your family; understanding the eternal nature of the family will draw you to the temple”
- Elder Gary E. Stevenson, GC Apr, 2009

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. We can't find the parts for Eli's bed. So he's still sleeping on the mattress on the floor. And it's an Ikea bed which makes getting the parts hard since we don't live that CLOSE to an Ikea. We might have to try and rig something up to make it work!

2. Regan loooves this song and so we have hearing it a lot lately at our house. Lucy looves it and asks for it over and over. It's a little quirky and it totally gets stuck in my head.

3. We have no hot water. And have had none since Saturday night. Some part needs to be replaced on our fancy environmental constant hot water heater. Totally awesome :)

4. Over at Kristen Duke Photography she is having a great series this month about decorating with pictures. Go check it out. And leave her some comment love!!

5. I really want to go see this movie.

6. I am done being pregnant. I am feeling frustrated that I can't move well, I walk like an OLD lady and it hurts every step, I pee a million times a day and at night, I am not sleeping well at all, I feel huge, I can't lift anything to put anything away at my house, I am exhausted constantly. I just want to get this kid out. I was saying something to Regan about all this (well complaining) and he said "do you remember one of the first things you said after you had Eli? I feel so much BETTER!" Yep. I do and I have a feeling that will be the case again :) Now if it'd just hurry it up!

7. Five different people have brought over treats or food to us since we got here. My MIL, Lindsay, Tisha, Christal and Whitney. Now ain't that nice! That's a welcome to town :)

8. I have an itching to craft. But you should SEE the craft room. Boxes, boxes and more boxes. It might be a while!

9. I need to break in my kitchen and bake something. Cookies tomorrow. Maybe donuts soon.

10. I am sooooooooo grateful that we moved onto a street where there are ton o' kidlets. My kids run up and down the street and play play play. It is lovely!

Monday, September 05, 2011


We are settled. Well mostly. There are piles of boxes around. But most of the kitchen is put away. Our bedroom is put away. There is still lots to do and I am sure there will be for a while. Lots to do around the house to make it say "THE STEEDS" live here. But that is what happens when you move. No land line yet. (Way to go Telus!)

Some people kind of gave me a hard time about moving here. "Why would you want to leave Lethbridge..." "Living the dream..." "Small town living..." etc. And I admit some of it totally makes me nervous. I had a good group of friends in Lethbridge. Lots of wonderful ladies I will miss seeing as regularly as I did. And lots of people we saw every week at church that I will miss seeing every week. (Good thing we didn't move far and that all those people can still easily be seen.) Yes getting used to the store closing at 6pm will be hard. No late night runs to Safeway for Regan (although really he could still run into Lethbridge easily!).

We moved in on Thursday and Friday Regan was on call. On Friday after the kids were home from school, Regan showed up for lunch. And then after we had all gone to bed around midnight or so, Regan crawled into bed with me. THAT is why we live here. For the past six months (or more) him being on call just means no Regan and that I am completely on my own. It's true there will be some days of on call that the kids might not see him. But at some point he'll come home in the middle of the night and crawl into bed with me and we'll talk. My mother in law told me that she learned long ago that the kids could go a few days without seeing dad better than she could go without seeing her husband. And I totally agree. Even if I only see him when I am half asleep and i am mumbling about my legs being sore or whatever, I saw him. And that's what I need. Regan.

As for everything else, I've got a family session and two weddings to finish editing and a house to put together. And have a baby. Somewhere in there it'll all get done. I have lots of ideas of things I want to do with our house and all that. But in reality I need to just make it livable for a while, get my editing done and then have a baby. Hopefully sooner than later on all accounts :)

And since a post is more fun with a picture..... I haven't been keeping up on my 365 lately.... things have been a little um... crazy... here's an oldie but a goodie. The kids with Reg on Father's Day.

june19: father's day 2011

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Spiritual Sundays

june 4: All of us

"One thing is very clear: the safest place and the best protection against the moral and spiritual diseases is a stable home and family. This has always been true; it will be true forever. We must keep that foremost in our minds. The scriptures speak of 'the shield of faith wherewith,' the Lord said, 'ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked' (D&C 27:17). This shield of faith is best fabricated in a cottage industry. While the shield can be polished in classes in the Church and in activities, it is meant to be handcrafted in the home and fitted to each individual." - Boyd K. Packer, "Do Not Fear," Ensign, May 2004, 79