Day 6.

Day 7.

Day 8.

I just have to say that I am really enjoying all the great enteries of the other people participating in this challenge. Some times I must admit when I read what others are working on and trying to improve upon.... i think.... what a lame thing I picked. After the {21} days are up...I'm going to try it again I think. On something different. But we'll just see if I make it thru the first time.
I think your habit is great. I was thinking that I should have done it:) Love your work. All the circles are great. What a great quote about Monday's. Fabulous job! Thanks for all the inspiration.
I don't think the habit you've chosen is lame at all! I also struggle with going to bed far too late and I know how much it affects everything else you do. I think you chose the perfect habit to work on. It's such a good base for making other changes in your life. I really love all of your art journal pages. You have a really clean graphic style. Love your Harold B. Lee quote from day one too!
I think your goal is a great one. About 5 years ago I was trying to figure out how to revamp my daily routine, and I finally figured out that I wasn't going to accomplish any change unless I got to bed early enough. It's so crucial, and so hard to do when everyone else is staying up, and your favourite show is on. What worked for me was... setting an alarm clock at the dinner table, to go off half an hour before I wanted to be asleep... taping my fave TV shows...spiffing up the bedroom with lovely bedding, potpourri, pretty reading lamp (low lighting), great book, earplugs. Bedtime turned into special pampering-me time, and something to look forward to. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
Rhonda - i don't think your topic is lame at all. But maybe if you do the 21 day challenge again, I can participate tooo!
Rhonda, it's not lame at ALL!!!!!!! You know what, sleep is such a HUGE part of who we are and I think by changing small habits like a sleeping schedule, it affects so much of who we are, how we react, what we say and do and that is a GOOD THING! Keep it up, Rhonda! I'm here for you!
I love you work - you have a wonderful style...What you have chosen is right for you, now... I have also though I would like to carry on with this choosing a different "thing" next time.. we can call it {21} 2 LOL! keep up the good work...
Totally not a lame thing to pick. Getting more sleep every night will mean you have more energy for your family and just overall feel better about yourself. Keep it up!
Hey, we got the same struggle going on! You can do it! And hopefully I will to;o)
I just love these three entries, a cool graphic style!
FAbulous them all!
Oh I love your Monday one. Fabulous work Rhonda!! Nice to see the graphic side of you!!
I can totally relate on the topic your choose. Not lame at all!!
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