Friday, September 07, 2012

Foto Friday: Our Year in Photos


Month 9 Week 1: Back to School

Well my kids were not really into the whole let's take a picture the morning of... and I would have done it at home before but it was raining... sooooo here they are.... ever so impatiently waiting for me to HURRY up!
Our Year In Photos: Back to School

Lucy in her classroom.
Our Year In Photos: Back to School

Alden was not having any of me taking one of him in his room.... I knew that'd day would come....

So after school I cornered them on the deck to take a couple more "good ones"... and instead I got these....

What's with the mouth???
Our Year In Photos: Back to School

Again with the mouth.... and Alden wasn't supposed to be standing in the way...
Our Year In Photos: Back to School

This is soooo one that will be enjoyed later in life...
Our Year In Photos: Back to School

Eli's first day of preschool is next Tuesday.... and I'm not holding my breath for a better one from him. He still won't let me do his 4th birthday ones from JUNE!

Did you capture your kids on the first day??

1 comment:

Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

Ahhhh.. I'm laughing at the pictures.
Brody was like "ok, I'm smiling...hurry...get out!"
LOVE the last picture of Alden.
I'm thinking wedding slideshow awesomeness.
Good luck with Eli. I'll hold Oliver while you get it done. See you Tues!