2. Lucy came upstairs wearing this outfit. I tried to explain that the stripes were too much... then while out grocery shopping later in the day she says to me: "Mom, isn't it crazy how you look like a real mom and I look like a rock star?" hahahahaha

3. Remember how at one day it was nice enough to play outside..... and then it snowed AGAIN?!

4. Made this last week. You can download it if you'd like one! Click on it and it'll take you to flickr where you can download it.

5. If you are LDS and looking for some good easy FHE (Family Home Evening) lessons, I have a 2011 FHE lessons that are planned to coordinate with the primary sharing times for the whole year. I can't remember where I even downloaded it from since I got it in January... but if you want it, can email it to you. It has everything with it and it totally coordinates with what they learn each week in Primary. It is awesome!!
6. Spring will come. We MUST tell ourselves this.
7. I seriously have the biggest lack of motivation for things lately. I am driving myself nuts with how little I am doing! It's TERRIBLE!
8. Our house is still not on the market.... see #7.
9. Someone asked me about stories from Mexico and if I was going to share some..... I don't know.... see #7....It was great. We saw lots and laughed and got sunburned. How's that for a story.....
10. Regan's BIG final doctor test is coming up the last weekend of the month. It'll be good to have that over with and have him not stress about it! (and me either!)
I can't even tell you how excited i am about your FHE planning!!! I'd love to have you email it to me! I'm the worst at planning out a lesson 10 mins before FHE!
aaronsky at telus dot net
Also--LOVE your print out!!!
Me too, me too.. I would love to get that FHE planning thing. Sounds great!! Please and thank you. You still have my email address?
I love Lucy's rock star outfit:)
Could you please send me the fhe too.
Glad you had fun in Mexico. Have you found a house in raymond yet?
Ha! I love that she is a rockstar.
and #7...story of my life too!
FHE thing is on sugardoodle.
I keep it on my desktop and just print off what I need every Monday then use my gospel art kit. Love it!
I love the 'real mom' and 'rock star' comment. Awesome!
Lucy is so cute, what she says and wears. :) I would love the FHE file. Thanks!! stacyhmartin@hotmail.com
Send it my way! calistoddard@gmail.com
love your blog. :)
Rock on Lucy!
Love Lucy's comment! And I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one feeling #7!! I'd love the FHE schedule! tishagilbert at hotmail dot com
I would love to have the FHE lessons! Thanks for sharing that!
Sorry to leave two comments! I was trying to download your "use it up" poster and it said that the owner disabled the download function. I would love to have a copy!
I'd love it if you could send me the FHE lessons too! I was trying to make ones up as I went along that went with the outline, but not steal the ideas that we were using on Sunday - I need a refresh!
BWAHAHAH- Lucy in the sky with ....stripes!
Gotta love Lucie!
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