had cereal for the first time tonight??

(Reg took this picture tonight as I was feeding him)
At 5 Months Eli• loves tummy time and can lift all the way to his waste (will be on his hands and knees soon)
• sleeps on his tummy with his arms spread above his head and his legs kicked out spread eagle
• really really wants to try food. Often grabbing at any that is near him.
• loves to look at books (and try to taste them)
• can sit tripod (with one of his arms on the floor too) for about 1 minute (most of the time)
• will smile at anyone or anything that comes near him
• has started sleeping horribly lately (up every three hours for the last few weeks)
• has started drooling constantly.
• seems to have started teething (didn't he get the memo we don't teeth in this family until like 10 months!)
• loves to put everything into his mouth
• just noticed his feet
• loves to use his voice to make all kinds of sounds
• thinks Alden and Lucy are hilarious
• is so excited to see his dad when he gets home
• loves to play with toys, especially his little lap music maker, and gets quite a serious face while trying to press the buttons
• is wearing 3-6 month clothes with some 6-9 month clothes too
• tries to sit up constantly (like he is doing stomach crunches)
• breastfeeds every 3 hours
• wakes up around 8:30am each morning
• naps at 10am until noon
• awake until around 2:30 when he napes until his mom rudely wakes him up each day to go get Alden at 3:15pm
• awake until around 6pm has a short hour nap
• then goes to bed around 830pm
• loves to stand up
• thinks that mom laughing is soooo funny
• loves to chew his blanket
• recently decided that the bath is awesome and loves to kick the water and suck on the washcloth (gross)
• has at least one poo blow out a day (even more gross)
• loves to roll from front to back to front
• is just a real sweetheart